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How do criminal offenses affect student aid?

On Behalf of | Feb 8, 2022 | Firm News

Your teenage son or daughter had an encounter with the police that ended with criminal charges. You both want to understand how the interaction affects college planning.

The U.S. Department of Education explains how criminal charges affect federal student aid eligibility. Get the facts, so you know how to help your child pay for college.

Incarceration and federal student aid

Incarcerated federal student aid applicants have limited federal student aid eligibility. Further, eligibility depends on the institution. Applicants in state or federal institutions cannot receive federal student loans or Federal Pell Grants. While incarcerated persons may receive a Federal Work-Study or Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, they have low chances of that happening because priority for opportunity grants goes to applicants who also receive Pell Grants.

Applicants incarcerated in anything other than a state or federal institution may receive a Federal Pell Grant, but not federal student loans. While they may receive an FSEOG or FWS, they have low chances because the logistics involved with participating in FWS jobs while incarcerated come with several difficulties.

Drug convictions and federal student aid

Student aid applicants with drug convictions on their records still qualify for federal student aid. On the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, applicants must answer whether they had a drug conviction while receiving federal student aid. If so, they must complete a worksheet. It makes sense to answer the question honestly.

Parole and federal student aid

Federal student aid applicants living in a halfway house or on parole may qualify for financial aid. Those subject to involuntary civil commitments for a sexual offense may only qualify for limited eligibility.

Parents and college students must educate themselves on the latest laws regarding federal student aid eligibility for applicants with convictions. With all the facts, they know which moves to make.
