While many people want to get married, and do so, each year, few who have entered into the union would say that it is easy all of the time. Sometimes the difficulties suffered might even prompt someone to consider filing for divorce. Since January is often referred to as “divorce month,” many readers may even be thinking about this now.
According to research, thinking about divorce may not be a bad thing for marriage. This conclusion is based on a survey involving 3,000 people who are married and reside in the United States, who are between the ages of 25 and 50. Those who were involved in survey have a minimum of a year of marriage under their belt.
Researchers uncovered facts that may be of interest to readers. First, more than half of those surveyed admitted to having put some thought into divorce recently. Much of the time those thoughts did not translate into divorce filings however. Twenty-three percent indicated they were interested in working on their marriage if their spouse makes certain changes. A whopping 43 percent said while they had considered it, they didn’t really want to split.
For anyone who does opt to divorce their spouse, it is important they take certain steps. The first is to hire a knowledgeable divorce attorney. After hearing the specifics about the case, that person can provide information regarding how they should be handled. Because the settlement reached in a divorce has such a great impact on life following divorce, it is important to do this in a timely manner.